Agent Anxiety
The Agent Anxiety series is a constructed narrative based on a fictional concept and reality, "life is stranger than fiction" after all? On the surface it is a story of anxiety, self-doubt, and personal empowerment. The spectator doesn't have to delve far beneath the surface to question issues of representation and societal roles. The images are provocative, cliched, ironic and kitsch, a confusion of images with both unambiguous and ambiguous meaning. Adding to the perplexity, the narrative is both dark and humorous, experience the twist and turns as the story unfolds. Who is the imposter? The intention of the concept and the interpretation are often poles apart, it is this conflict that this series also plays with, which is more important the concept or its interpretation? Is the imposter the reader or the writer? “I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am” Charles Horton Cooley.