Friday I'm in Love

Saturday Wait

Sunday Always Comes Too Late

Monday You Can Hold Your Head

Tuesday Stay in Bed

Wednesday Stay in Bed

Thursday Watch the Walls Instead

It's Friday I'm in Love

The All That Glitters series aestheticizes the falling short of the commercialised fantasy. The pursuit of advertised perfection, lifestyles and possessions. Today the pursuit of money is almost directly linked to the pursuit of happiness. Money can give us freedom and possessions; we may make career decisions based on our socialized view of success. Affording us the possessions, rather than jobs that will make us truly satisfied and happy. Yet the happiness afforded by possessions will only bring short lived moments of pleasure. If we are unfulfilled by our jobs, every week waiting for the Friday feeling, are we really successful or free? I wanted the series to project the feeling of being trapped in a depressing cycle, equating glittering possessions with happiness but only ever getting short lived satisfaction that will need constant feeding. The Friday feeling will never be enough.